Common Questions

What can a Psychiatrist do for me?
A Psychiatrist is a physician, a medical doctor (M.D.), that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of brain-based medical and mental disorders as well as psychological disorders. Dr. Kostalnick has completed medical school and many years of training in college, medical school, internship and residency. He is trained to diagnose and treat psychiatric disorders comprehensively--by using medications and/or by providing psychotherapy (talk therapy) treating the whole person, not just "an illness, symptoms, or behaviors." Certain specializations within Psychiatry require additional years of training and qualification. Within the profession, each Psychiatrist has specific areas of interest and specialization but has the skills to provide treatment from multiple approaches. Dr. Kostalnick treats both children/adolescents and adults.

What will happen during my appointment?
Dr. Kostalnick will meet with you for an initial psychiatric diagnostic interview and psychiatric evaluation in which he will begin to gather information such as your history and current symptoms. We may also discuss friend, family, and workplace interpersonal dynamics. Within our first session together, we will determine the best plan of action to move forward. 

Will the cost of my treatment be covered by my insurance plan?
Depending on what type of insurance provider you are currently using, coverage for services may vary. Many PPO insurance companies reimburse some of the total cost of services and you will receive a special type of receipt that you may turn in to your insurance company for them to evaluate for reimbursement. Payment is made at the completion of each session by check, debit, or credit card to the practice directly. Some prefer to use an HSA (health savings account) or MSA (medical savings account) for payment. You may also prefer to keep your care separate (and private) from insurance company review by not submitting claims.

What if I have an emergency or an urgent situation come up?
If you find yourself in the midst of an emergency, please immediately call 9-1-1 or proceed safely to the nearest emergency room for evaluation and treatment purposes. Examples of emergencies include (but are not limited to) issues of suicide, homicide, or medication emergencies and allergic reactions. If you have an urgent situation (an important matter, but not a life-threatening emergency), please call the office and leave a voicemail message describing the situation of concern and you will be seen for an appointment as soon as possible.

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