Stoney Ridge Road Publishing


Stoney Ridge Road Publishing (tm)

A publications division of CNS Medical Group, APMC


Now Available

Trip, Stumble, and Rise 

Reflections on Loss and Faith

A book of orginal poetry by:

 Daniel Jon Kostalnick, MD


The poems in Trip, Stumble, and Rise examine what happens when loss and grief threaten to shatter faith. In the book, Dr. Kostalnick takes us on his journey from the beauty of everyday life through the diagnosis, and eventual loss, of a beloved family member, to a destination where recovery of faith becomes possible.


“I’m moved beyond words. Daniel’s poems about his emotional journey—not just of grief, but of the purest form of love and deepest gratitude—take us along as
he loses faith, confronts mortality, and returns to himself transformed. For the brave reader who is willing, Daniel’s words and the “spaces in between” can transform you.” — Ray Fortner, MFT, marriage and family therapist


“It is rare that an author can so beautifully and deeply capture the experience of mourning, but Dr. Kostalnick has succeeded. In Trip, Stumble, and Rise, he shares the roller coaster of emotion and heartbreak—the wonderful memories of love and laughter coupled with unbearable loss. How many of us dread the final goodbye to those we love? Dr. Kostalnick makes us feel his anguish as he takes us on that relatable journey through grief to the point of healing. For those facing the daily challenge of loss, Dr. Kostalnick’s poetry brings comfort by giving voice to one of the most difficult of shared human experiences.” — Laura Dardashti, MD


Daniel Jon Kostalnick, MD, is a poet and psychiatrist in private practice. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and on the Central Coast of California with his wife and their three daughters. Dr. Kostalnick loves his hometown of Avon, Ohio; he treasures his deep roots there and his connection to the special place that, as his mom wrote, “is suspended in time.”